Celebrate abundance at the herbal Treasure Share!

Mark your calendar for Sunday, Nov. 11, from noon to 4 pm. It’s our first Treasure Share!

Time to reflect on our first year together, plant ‘idea’ seeds for next year, and share our gratitude and our love of plants and herbs with each other.

Location:  The beautiful Twelve Stone Farms has graciously offered to host us.

576 Bunch Court, Talking Rock, Georgia 30175

Have extra of a specific tincture, or dried herbs from your bountiful yard? Bring to share. How about seeds or seedling plants of special herbs? A budding gardner would treasure it! Ready to retire a book from your shelves on plants, herbs, natural living, healing, etc?

Let it educate someone new! Have a hobby or craft that is bubbling out of you? Celebrate it with us! I’ve just listed a few ideas here, but there are no limits, great or small or unique or everyday.Two kinds of Treasure Share – bring something for one, or both!First is the “giving blanket” – every participant puts one share item (maybe the “best” one, or one that has personal meaning) onto the blanket. Then, one by one, we choose something from the blanket that speaks to us. If Crystal starts, and picks the item brought by Jasmyn, then Jasmyn is the next one to pick. Etc.Second is the “share fair,” where all items are laid out on tables and we can all just walk around, browse, and take what we need – or what jumps into our arms!Treats and Drinks – Everyone is invited to bring something to eat and/or drink to share with the group. Let’s try to be creative and get some herbal treats and drinks. (Surely, someone is excited to learn all about herbal cordials!) Don’t let the idea of having to bring something keep you away though. It is you that is that is the most important item to bring. 🙂

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