Burn baby burn (moxibustion, that is!)

Ever wondered about moxibustion – the Chinese practice of burning mugwort?

Guest expert Sylvie Augustin will explain and demonstate the techniques at our meeting Sept. 27. She is a local practitioner of medical qi gong, and a food adviser, as well as co-owner of Whitestone Farms (and a dance instructor, too!).

Moxibustion as explained in Wikipedia is used “to warm regions and acupuncture points with the intention of stimulating circulation through the points and inducing a smoother flow of blood and qi.”

Mugwort (Artemisia vulgaris) will be our ‘Herb of the Month’, so study up!

The moxibustion portion will take approxiamtely one hour and we will spend any remaining time discussing the herb from our studies and our personal uses.

We’ll sample mugwort tea for the evening. Be sure to bring a mug/cup.

Date: Sept. 27, Thursday

Time: 6 pm

Location: Natural Market Place, 69 North Main Street, Jasper. Get directions here.


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